Good News :
I now know how to send photos from my phone to my email. My co-worker Nina taught me how ... a trick she learned from her teenage granddaughter.
Bad news :
The first photo I send is of my car after a lady hit me Thursday evening on my way home from work. No one was injured but my poor little car. If I hadn't been paying attention to the traffic it would of been much worse. She would have T-boned me and I most likely would have been injured.
More Good News :
The plants I added near the end of last Summer are putting out leaves! I was concerned about the Grapes and Figs but they are coming right along. The Blackberry bushes kept their leaves all Winter and I was pretty confident they would be fine. Now if the Blueberry bushes perk up my investment of last Summer will be well worth the money spent.
My lil greenhouse-a-box is now set up and waiting for me to start my seeds. Daddy helped me put the cover on it yesterday. That cover requires two people when one of the people involved is "vertically challenged" at five foot and one inch. lol
Daddy and I have the new coop framed up and part of the rafters built. Can't wait to get it finished and move the girls into their new digs. Although it is only 6' x 7.5' x 8', after spending nights in the little Chicken n' Hutch for two years, the new coop will be so much more spacious . With it being eight foot tall we are adding a half loft so I can store straw. This will be sooo much better than keeping the straw on my backporch. The feed barrel will also be going into the coop getting one more thing off the porch. Yay!
Sing with me now....I'm a big kid now...". So thankful you were not hurt in your wreck!!
Oh, man! Sorry about your car. :(
I spent the day cleaning out the coop and barn. I'm glad my coop isn't any bigger than it is! LOL Sounds like your girls will love their new space though.
Thank God you weren't hurt! My plans this week include cleaning and arranging my greenhouse. I left it in good shape but it still needs a bit of putting right before it can be used.
Glad you're okay, Penny! It's scary to think what could have happened.
I'm also glad the first signs of spring show promise for those plants you invested in.
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